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Do you know what a squishy toy is?

by FunnyPippi 21 Jun 2024 0 Comments

What is Squishy?

Squishy toys originated in Japan in the 1980s and quickly gained popularity in other Asian countries, eventually spreading to the West. Today, Squishy come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and are a trend-setter in the industry.

Squishy toys are the cutest, softest toys you'll ever find! They're usually shaped like animals squishy or food squishies, and they're made of the softest, most flexible materials you can imagine. Squishy are a total hit with kids and adults alike, and they're great for relieving stress.

Squishy toys materials:

TPR: TPR is a thermoplastic rubber with excellent elasticity, abrasion resistance, and high temperature resistance. It is the most commonly used material for Squishy toys.

Silicone: Silicone is a polymer material that is non-toxic, odorless, and resistant to high temperatures, corrosion, and other environmental factors. The silicone material used in pinch and play is safer and more environmentally friendly.

We at FunnyPippi love using silicone for our squishies! It's safer, more environmentally friendly, and has a more realistic shape. Plus, it's more expensive and less abrasion-resistant than TPR, but it's worth it!

TPR's squishy is the optimal choice for entry-level players. It is non-toxic, playable, and reasonably priced.

How to play Squishy toys

Squishy is so easy to play with! You can squeeze them as much as you want and feel their soft texture. You can also squeeze them into different shapes or play with them with other toys.

They are suitable for a wide range of ages, from small children to middle-aged people will love it, especially 6-15 years old children, because it is safe and non-toxic, many parents are also willing to buy for their children to play!

New popular toy

Squishy has been around for almost 40 years and is one of the most popular toys out there! Most of the squishies are handmade, which means they look super realistic and adorable. They're a hit with consumers of all ages, whether you're buying them for your kids or as a gift. They're a great product!


Squishy toys are a wonderful way for children to explore their senses in a safe and fun way. The soft, bouncy texture of these toys can be very calming and soothing, and the bright colors and fun shapes can help stimulate children's imaginations. They're a great choice if you're looking for a fun, relaxing, and de-stressing way to pass the time. They're affordable, easy to find, and suitable for all ages.pick a squishy you like.

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